Wednesday, October 7, 2009

My Short I-Search blog

I have learned that in writing my short I search paper that, what “they say” is just as important as what “I say”, and rephrasing what others say isn’t always the best way to write, simply due to the fact that you could easily misinterpret what the writer has said about the subject.
I can apply what I’ve learnt in this class in the future by, being able write better formatted papers. Also, by writing in greater details and being able to interpret what I’m thinking to paper, will help in my writing progression.
I can definitely use these skills outside of class, simply by being able to completely understand what someone is talking about.
The high point of my paper was saying how Americans can make quick and easy money through reality television. My low point was describing how reality TV was been around much earlier than what many television viewers thought.

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